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Online Flight Planning tool

Online Flight Planning Release

Explore Online Flight Planning's newest customer-driven features in release, including expanded options for browsers, one-tap filing, new weather features, and more.

Expanded Browser Support

Users can now use Online Flight Planning on multiple browsers of including Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Screen views now auto-adjust to accommodate various pane sizes, reducing most of the need to use the left/right and up/down sliders to view the full page.

weather overlay
Enhanced Weather Functionality

The Online Flight Planning map now has extended weather functionality that allows users to see weather patterns as they create a new leg.

Create New Leg

Like the myWorld App, users can now create a new leg in Online Flight Planning, allowing them to load legs, overlay weather layers, oceanic tracks, FIRs and change map view to IFR High Level, IFR Low Level, VFR, and Satellite view. All while allowing users to pick a valid route from up to 10 routes in the displayed stored routes or optimized routes before calculating a flight plan.

Create New Leg - Dark Mode
Create New Leg - Light Mode

Enhanced Map View

Enhanced map view within sections of Flight Plan, Route Options, Permits, ETOPs & ETPs, Fuel, and Handling allow users to view various weather overlays, oceanic tracks, and more.

ETOPs and ETPs
Search for airports on the map

Search for Airports on the Map

Users can now search for airports within Create New Leg on the map by minimum runway length, ILS, customs, and international airports.

One Tap Filing

For complex calculated flight plans only of domestic and international legs, users can now use the One-Tap button to submit a filing message to ATC, submit a calculated flight plan to their Datalink/ACARs provider to be available for uplink in their FMS, and send a WX Package Delivery with the calculated flight. The textual weather can be saved to an email addresses as well as send a copy of the WX Package Delivery to be available on the respective leg within the myWorld App. This functionality is also available for the Nav Log.

This is also available in myWorld App to use offline in flight. Both of which reduce paper clutter in the cockpit. 

one tap filing
Nav Log
journey log

View Journey Log Synced from myWorld App

Journey logs created in the myWorld App are now synced in Online Flight Planning. The journey log documents entries input enroute of the actuals versus the estimates of a flight plan. Once saved and synced at the end of a leg, the information is now also available within WX Pkg Deliveries and on the myWorld App for easier retrieval by both the crew, dispatch, and management. 



Additional Enhancements

dark mode
Dark Mode Now Available

Users can now match the look and feel of myWorld App in Online Flight Planning by switching to dark mode in preferences. This can be set permanently or changed periodically as needed for enhanced viewing.

PDF interface
Improved Interface for Viewing PDFs

This update loads PDFs faster and expands functionality with Apple pencil as well as the keyboard entries.

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